Spanish Decree-Law 1/2020, of 17 January, against booze tourism to improve quality in tourist destinations. (Official Gazette of the  Balearic Islands Nº10 of 23.01.2020)

The General Management Department of HM Ayron Park informs you that guests are not permitted to engage in activities that may  endanger their life, health or physical well-being at this  establishment.

Such activities include passing from one balcony or window to another, jumping or throwing oneself from unsuitable locations into swimming pools, onto the ground or anywhere else.

Any guests engaging in such dangerous activities will be immediately removed from the premises by management, with support from security and the police if necessary. Furthermore, committing a serious offence under Article 14 b) of Spanish Decree-Law 1/2020 will result in a fine of between 6,001 and 60,000 euros from the competent authority. We also inform you that taking any food and drink supplied on the premises outside, whether alcoholic or not, is strictly prohibited.